A character first floor air conditioned and spacious open plan office, with separate meeting room/office area, fitted kitchen and toilets. Situated in the old converted Victorian Hop Oast building at hte heart of the site, it was formerly the area where the dried hops would be spread out to cool and then be pressed into pockets, with one of the hop presses used when the family still farmed hops having been retained as a feature.

1,275 square feet


1,275 square feet

Facilities across the centre

  • 24/7 access
  • Ultrafast full fibre broadband up to 900mbps
  • Plenty of free car parking
  • Royal Mail collection point
  • Meeting room hire available
  • Popular hotel rooms and facilities less than a mile away
  • Outdoor picnic area
  • Outdoor walks, footpaths
  • Well-behaved dogs welcome

“Being in a rural environment gives you the ability to take a break outside, decompress, even walk the dog”

Goblands Farm

A breath of fresh air for your business

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